Monday, March 1, 2010


When Dan had his hernia repair surgery last Monday, we discovered that the new hospital in our area uses paper-ish gowns instead of cloth ones. But the paper-ish gowns are quite fancy in that they have a hole at the bottom edge where a hose connects to the gown and blows warm air underneath so you aren't cold. Dan called it a free blow job. He's such a MAN! He pretty much made them turn it back off again right away and opted for the blanket. ha!

We also learned they shave a LARGE area of your abdomen for only three small incisions... LOL Now Dan's trying to decide if he should shave his whole chest so it's "even", or leave things be and hope you can't tell where they shaved him after it grows back.


Connor got it into his head a few weeks ago that he was going to ride his bike without training wheels, and sure enough, my 3.5 year old can ride up the driveway, turn around at the top, and ride back down. He hasn't mastered the turn at the bottom, but I'd give him a week. Tops. He also hasn't yet figured out how to start himself off. It'll happen. Soon. My baby is growing up! *sniff*


$8 CAN get you a turn on a karaoke mic even when the gal before you was announced as the last singer of the night, per bar regulations (only one singer allowed after the bartender announces last call). And here we all laughed at Dan for trying!! "It's a nice day for a white wedding..."


Having a Girl Scout living in my home is dangerous. Very dangerous. She's adorable and sweet. And has access to yummy cookies. And purchasing those cookies helps support the organization she's involved in, as well as helps fund fun activities for her troop. Cookies...YUM!


"Your boobs make me smile." ~Connor (I think we weened him too soon or something. He's obsessed! LOL! In my defense, I landed myself in the hospital for emergency surgery because of a ruptured appendix, and complications during recovery, and had to cut him off cold turkey at 8.5 months old)


That's all for now! *grin*


Kaci said...

Wow I think I've learned a lot this Monday morning. =)

Cindy Lou Who said...

LOL - I loved it!

Betsy Hart said...

Your boobs make me smile too Leah! LOL!!!