My dance instructor has a baby who is somewhere around 7 months old, and she made a comment about her son's cute little wrist rolls. It made me laugh, because her son's wrist rolls are practically non-existant. I told her I'd email her some pictures of Connor from about the same age and show her WRIST ROLLS (and ANKLE ROLLS while we're at it!)
Connor was HUGE!

Look at those legs!

He's barely 6 months old in this picture, sausaged into 6-9 month jammies. We had to zip them slowly so as not to zip up his skin!

But oh my word, is he not just ADORABLE!?!? So stinkin' cute.
I love baby rolls! Baby Moose is barely 6 months old and tips the scale at 20 lbs, maybe slightly more. My aching back, but oh I love me some chubby babies.
Love the baby chub!!! He is so cute!
yes he's stinking cute!
When Connor was that size I used to stay with him while you went to EG's preschool. I remember struggling to get his pants down
and back up for a diaper change and the onsie thing would never be snapped when I got them back up.
He wasn't happy and neither was I.
We'd start over :)
He makes Liv look skinny!! :) I love cj's rolls :)
Oh my GOD I want that baby. My babies were fat too, and doesn't it just set the tone for what you think babies should look like? My sister had skinny babies and I loved them, but they just never felt exactly right when I held them. Plus they always tipped over -- my kids' huge asses were perfect for sitting.
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