Thursday, May 6, 2010

Little Prince Charming

I took Connor to the grocery store before preschool on Tuesday so he could pick out a bouquet of flowers to take his teacher for Teacher Appreciation Week. I showed him a gorgeous bouquet of roses and lilies, with pretty little filler flowers (Between my three kids, this is our fifth year straight having her as a teacher, and we LOVE her and consider her a friend as well as our child's teacher so I felt a little justified in splurging on a nicer bouquet). The child stuck up his nose at the flowers I was showing her, marched right around to the backside and plucked up a bouquet of two-toned tulips and said, "I'm giving my teacher THESE ones." Okay!

As we were in line to pay, he was eye-balling the strategically placed candy bars at the register, and I could almost literally see the wheels turning in his head. He opened up his mouth to talk, and I was prepared with a polite, but firm, "Not today!" response to his request to buy candy, but he fooled me. Instead of a plea for candy for HIMSELF, he looked pleadingly at me and said, "Can I buy my teacher some of this candy because she really likes candy." And how could I turn him down? He'd also drawn her a picture and dictated what I should write on the backside (kicking myself for not scanning it into the computer before letting him give it to her!).

We arrived to class and he marched through the door, stuck the flowers behind his back (totally his own doing) and yelled, "I have a suprise for you!", then gifted her with the flowers, the picture, and the Snickers candybar he'd picked out. It was soooo stinkin' cute, and she seemed extremely pleased with the gesture.

I had a little "moment" while paying at the store, that my not-quite four year old just gifted his first girl with candy and flowers. LOL

Jared may have some competition for the "ladies man" title!! ha ha!

PS Happy #60 to my FIL today!!!!!


Cindy Lou Who said... cute

Kaci said...

Awhhh such a good boy...screw the flowers just give me chocolate! =)

Betsy Hart said...

AWE!!! That is stinking adorable! What a sweetheart!