Monday, May 31, 2010


Jared has been using the word awesome A LOT lately. As a result, so has Connor. Between the two boys, SOMETHING is constantly awesome.

During teacher appreciation week, Jared wrote this note to his teacher:

I love the "O by the way you are osum" part (LOVE the phonetic spelling!). LOL!!!

Yesterday, Connor was sitting in my lap snuggling me and he said, "Mom, you are awesome, and it's awesome that we can snuggle right now, right?" How adorable was that?!?!

As much as it makes me laugh, it does my heart good to hear and see the boys expressing themselves so enthusiastically. Does my self-confidence a bit of good, too, when I hear about the awesome dinner I made, or how I'm so awesome, or how the outing I planned is awesome.



sachin said...

osum blog... :)

Kaci said...

You are so osum Leah! =)