Wednesday, July 21, 2010


While I was picking up one of the cakes for the boys' birthday party, I remembered that we were running low on candles, so I walked over and saw that one of the packs had a bunch of red candles in it, which would work perfectly with the color scheme of the party (black, red, white, silver).

The boys blew out their candles, we all clapped, and suddenly, the candles had relit themselves. The look on the boys' faces was PRICELESS, and had I not been just as stunned as they were, I would have thought to take pictures of their expressions! I was so excited to have found red candles, I never even paid attention to the packaging to see that I'd bought trick candles. LOL!!!!

Poor boys!




Cindy Lou Who said...

ha ha - i bet that was funny to watch!

Betsy Hart said...

LOL! That is too funny!!!