Friday, September 24, 2010

Blackberry Pie

A few weeks ago, I attempted to bake my first blackberry pie ever, using the easiest recipe I could find online. I didn't end up with quite enough blackberries (the kids had been out picking with my IL's and they visually guaged whether they had enough), and partway into making the crust, I realized I didn't have enough all-purpose flour and had to substitute part of it with self-rising flour.

My neighbor claimed it was the best blackberry pie he'd ever had.

A week later, Dan requested that I make another blackberry pie, because the first one had been so good. This time, I used the correct amount of blackberries, and had enough flour to correctly make the crust, and I worried that it was just a fluke that the first one got such rave reviews. Dan and my neighbor both claimed the 2nd pie was even better than the first! (my neighbor might lie to be nice, but Dan wouldn't!)


I stink at making pie edges look pretty, but it was edible and got multiple thumbs up. Yay me! My neighbor even called and wanted my recipe because he liked it so much. Dan wanted me to mess with the recipe (anyone remember seeing that episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Raymond's mom puts a fake label over a spice so when Ray's wife tries to follow the recipe, it doesn't turn out right?? LOL), so when he typed it out in an email for them (since I was one-handed due to the brace), he put in C degree temps in the directions instead of F degree temps just to mess with them. LOL

I labeled this post under recipes so it would be filed with my other food-related posts, but if my pie is truly that good, I'm going to be tight-lipped with "my" recipe and you'll all just have to come over sometime and give it a taste-test! *grin*


Betsy Hart said...

That looks delish! :-) I have an awesome recipe for apple crisp with less than 150 calories per serving!

Cattigan said...

When do you want me over?

Kaci said...

Ya like for reals Leah...I'm coming over! I LURVE blackberry everything!! =) Mmmmm you better hand over that recipe! HA!

Cindy Lou Who said...

I'm not a Blackberry fan - but that looks YUM-O!!!