Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Quote of the Week

While riding in the car Monday, Connor said to me, totally out of the blue (and I quote), "Mom, I just don't want to be TOO awesome."

I chuckled a little, then replied, "How come?"

"Just because I don't." he said.

"How do you know when you're TOO awesome?"

He took that "tone" with me and said, "BECAUSE I just feel it in my head, and it makes me mad! I want to just be reg-lee-er awesome." (that's how he says regular).

I chuckled a little more, and couldn't just leave well enough alone, so asked, "What sort of things do you do that make you feel TOO awesome?"

"Just EVERYTHING, like playing soccer, and riding my bike, and using my tools, you know, all that awesome stuff."


"So, Connor, how do you stop being TOO awesome when it starts to happen?"

"I just tell myself to stop it, and I stop."

At least I know he won't be egotistical, because he's got it all worked out that he doesn't want to be TOO awesome!!


Kaci said...

True at least he's got it all figured out! =)

Cindy Lou Who said...

oh my - he is way too cute! Don't let him grow up!

Betsy Hart said...

LOL! I love that kid! =)