Thursday, July 28, 2011


We were at my aunt's house swimming in her backyard pool over the weekend. Jared wanted to lay on his towel in the grass and read his book in the sun for awhile. Suddenly we heard him shout out and start crying that the "stupid flying ant" bit him. I rushed over, and sure enough, you could see a small mark on his face where something had bit or stung him. It never swelled or welted, and although it bruised almost immediately, but never got worse than this:

The picture was taken later in the day after I slathered his face with Auqaphor because it was all dried out from the chlorine! (His cheeks were flushed because he'd been running around outside)

Whatever got him, definately gave him a good pinch/bite/sting (SOMETHING!). Four days later and the bruise mark is just as dark as it was over the weekend! I assumed it would have started to fade by now...


Kaci said...

Last year bees, this year flying stinging ants!! HOLY COW!

Shan said...

Poor guy!

Betsy Hart said...

Its his sweet personality that makes them love him =) Poor guy though. That is no fun!