Tuesday, July 3, 2012

When good ideas go bad...

Connor asked me to make him a monkey coffee cozy, and I figured it'd be pretty easy. Well, decently easy enough, but not very cute! hahahahaha!

It was a good thought, and he thought it was fantastic, so that's what counts...

Actually, despite having asked specifically for a monkey coffee cozy, when I gave it to him, he thought it was a wrist band, and wondered where the other one was. If it hadn't been tricky enough already just doing the face on the cozy (getting it small enough to fit on the cozy), I could be seriously tempted to make him two smaller ones to have as wrist bands. How hilarious is he?? Monkey wrist bands; he'll start a new trend!

1 comment:

Kaci said...

I think it's super cute!