Friday, April 16, 2010

Maybe it's an Indian tool!

I am currently reading book #2 from The Boxcar Children series to the kids. We recently got done reading a chapter in the book where the four children found some Indian artifacts on the little island they were staying on (arrow heads, axe heads, bowls, etc). Connor was out digging in the dirt the following day, found a blackened, misshaped spoon, and ran to the house shouting, "I found something crazy in the dirt! Maybe it's an Indian tool!" It was so cute! A few days earlier, had he found that same spoon, he would have come in wondering why there was an old spoon in the dirt (I'd like to know the answer to that myself, to be honest!), but after hearing an interesting book, suddenly that same spoon in the dirt becomes something much more exciting. I LOVE BOOKS!


Travelers Barista said...

Imaginations are fun! I love when Zach brings home neat stuff he finds in the dirt. A few months ago they found a baby doll, which actually looked a little creepy. He just texted me a pic of it. I love finding artifacts, even if they are "newer" things. I like to imagine I've found a treasure too

Kaci said...

Awhh imagination!!! =)