Thursday, June 30, 2011


I got a phone call Friday, June 17th, from the sweet girl I used to nanny for (who is now 21), asking me if I'd gotten a package yet. I said I hadn't even been near the front door so far that day, but would check. So I walked into the entryway, opened the front door, scanned the porch, and then informed her I didn't see anything. She said, "Are you sure?" and I could hear a double-voice, which threw me off a bit, but before I could puzzle over it too hard, she walked around the corner from the driveway to the front porch!! She moved to CA for school and wasn't supposed to be able to come home again until Christmas. I totally screamed and got teary and we hugged and laughed. She was only home for a quick weekend visit for Father's Day, and I was swamped with Em's dance recital stuff, so our time together was very limited, but BETTER THAN NOTHING!!!

The kids were super excited to have her back as well!

They've asked me daily when she's coming home again...

1 comment:

Kaci said...

Ooooo!!! That is the sweetest picture ever!!! XOXO