Friday, January 22, 2010

Guess who's knitting??

And it isn't me!! EMILY!!

She doesn't want me to show her project until she's further into it, so you'll have to visualize it in your head for the time being... She's about 24 rows into a light pink scarf made out of chunky yarn and it's looking quite good! She has been wanting to learn for a long time and I kept pushing it off thinking she was too young and was just going to get very frustrated, but finally sat down with her over Winter Break and got her started. She picked it up pretty quickly! I sat next to her the first day and quided her through each stitch, but after that, have pretty much just left her on her own. She comes and shows me at the end of each row so if there are any mistakes, I can help her correct them before she gets too far past the mistake. She's pretty good at seeing when something doesn't look right and will come ask for help. Knitting is a slow process, especially when you're in school all day, plus have homework and activities, so I'm not imagining this scarf will be complete any time soon, but it will be fun for her to get to use next year!

Doubly exciting is that one of the Girl Scout Try It badges you can earn talks about setting a goal for yourself and learning something new, etc, so she'll be able to put this knitting project towards a badge for Girl Scouts! She's very pleased.

I know it's a tease to talk about it and not share pictures, but I couldn't resist "bragging" that my 7 year old has taken up knitting and is doing rather well! GO EM!!


Auntie said...

That is great! I remember knitting as a kid, but nobody at my house knew how to get the knitting off the sticks.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! K-Girl has expressed interested in learning to crochet, but I don't feel she's old enough...although she's only 5 1/2. Maybe this summer I'll have to start showing her the ropes.

Do you like girl scouts? I'm on the fence about whether to do it with K-Girl or not. But I also don't know any moms of girl scouts either.

Cindy Lou Who said...


She's so smart, she's gonna be crafty like her mama!

Cindy Lou Who said...

And yes, it was mean to "tease" and not post pics, but I completely understand! ♥

Kaci said...

I'm so excited for Em...can't wait to see her first creation!

Shan said...

Yay Emily!! Abby has been bugging for some time too. I got her a set of knitting needles for Christmas, now I just need to sit down and teach her. Good plan for today perhaps.

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