Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sharp Dressed Man

Somewhere I used that blog post title before, because when I started typing it in, it popped up. I'm too lazy to dig up the post to see which one, but it applies HERE as well, so I'm using a repeat title! ha!

Connor picked out this outfit at Costco totally on his own. We were walking by the piles of clothes and Connor ran over, grabbed the top one, and yelled, "HANDSOME BOY CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!! I want to wear this to preschool!" It was a good deal for a 3-piece outfit, plus, was totally adorable, so how could I turn him down???


I LOVE when my little boys are dressed in their "handsome boy" clothes. They melt my heart! Gotta take advantage of it while I can, because I'm sure it won't last. Jared still cracks me up with the little shirt and tie he wears to Kindergarten. LOL! SOO CUTE, these boys of mine...


Auntie said...


Anonymous said...

Very good pick! He looks adorable!!

Kaci said...

He looks sooooooooo cute!

Grandma Marlee said...

Sharped Dress Man was also Jared from November 13, 2009! My grandkids are all so dang cute! I just love it when Connor gives me a hug all on his own without anyone asking him to.

Betsy Hart said...

He is so handsome! :) Hard to believe he is YOUNGER then M!