Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I wasn't outside to witness it, and Connor's explanation doesn't make much sense, but the end result was this:


and this (be warned!):


A LOT of layers of skin came off that poor little finger pad. BLECK! 2.5 days later, it's looking MUCH better, but still pretty gross. He REALLY did not enjoy me cleaning that up (he'd been outside digging in the mud, so his hands were FILTHY), but overall handled it pretty well! He's a trooper!


Auntie said...

Poor baby!!!

Kaci said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah "ouch" is all I can think of.

Cindy Lou Who said...

poor baby...kisses

Betsy Hart said...

How many times will you have to use Connor and injuries as tags on the same blog? LOL! Poor guy!