Monday, August 23, 2010

Overnight Camp

Emily attended overnight camp the first week of August through our local YMCA. She was gone Sunday-Friday of that week. We were able to email her while she was at camp, but she was not able to reply (they print emails for the campers and pass them out at dinner time). The campers were able to send snail-mail letters if they'd brought pre-addressed and stamped envelopes. I sent some with Emily and told her she'd better write to me at least once!! We got a letter from her Thursday of that week that said it was Monday (24 hours into her stay at camp) and she was having the best time of her life. LOL! I loved it.

On the Friday we got to pick her up from camp, we were waiting at the campfire (parents and siblings got to attend the final campfire to see a bit of what camp life was like) and she walked in with her group. I was so happy to see her! We gave very tearful hugs and kisses before I had to send her back with her group. After she was sitting down (two rows down from us), the boys rushed over and wanted to give her loves as well.


They ended the campfire deal with a song about having made new friends and whatnot, and how next summer, I'll meet you right here (coming back and reuniting with camp friends, etc.). I am a sap on a good day, but was an emotional wreck during this song, with all the emotions tied into missing Emily and seeing her again after a whole week. ha! In my defense, there were LOTS of other mommies wiping tears! They have a sign at the entrance to the campfire area:
fun events

After the campfire, we got to enjoy a BBQ meal, and then our campers got to take us on a tour of the camp and talk to us about the different stuff they did. Em took us straight to her cabin where I posed her with her two leaders, Banana (left) and Sass (right):
Emily,fun events

Em slept on the top bunk right behind their heads in the above picture. It sounds like she had a wonderful time, but she did miss home. She flip flops about whether she wants to do it again next summer or not. One day she says she can't wait, and then the next she says she'll miss us too much. I'm sure that by the time next summer rolls around, she'll be dying to go back. I think us having been away from her so recently while we were in Jamaica had something to do with her missing us this year...

I sent a disposable camera with her to camp figuring she'd take all sorts of pictures of her friends and her experiences, but she took a whopping FIVE pictures, which I haven't developed because we haven't used up the roll yet!!


Cindy Lou Who said...

did you know I worked at a summer camp for 2 Summers. As a "Camp Counselor". It was 2 hours away and through the school district. I was in charge of 8 girls every week. We had tent cabins with cots. Mon-Fri too. It was the best years of my life ever! Made great friends, loved working with kids, most beautiful enviroment. It was my Sophmore and Junior summers in high school so made money! :o)
I sent Austin to the same camp I worked at when he was 9. He had a miserable time. He went with a friend. I was so excited for him. He cried the whole week, got stung by a bee and was so homesick! He's never been back. :o( Boys are so different then girls!

Auntie said...

I am so proud of EG for going to camp. I was supposed to go in the fifth grade, but I was so sad to leave my mother I got sick and didn't go! And I was TEN not Eight!