Thursday, October 28, 2010

My little reader

Jared has been able to read for quite some time now, but he's never really ENJOYED it. Until about a week ago! He would read because it was part of his homework, or would very occasionally read "just because", but there was a long list of other things he'd rather be doing. A week and a half ago, I gave him a chapter book to read, and he whined and whined about having to read, and about how it was going to take forever, and taht it didn't even have any pictures. I told him to just TRY it and see what he thought.

He read the entire book in a day and a half. He read every spare second that he had, and hasn't looked back.

When he had a friend over to spend the night that same weekend, he offered to read his friend a story before bed:

He still dearly loves his Legos and playing the Wii (especially if it's Lego Star Wars, Lego Indiana Jones, or Lego Harry Potter!), but now we can add READING BOOKS as something that's high up on his list of favorite activities.

On top of enjoying it, he's also GOOD! I really enjoy listening to him. He's been bringing home 2.0-3.0 level books, which are basically 2nd-3rd grade level books (he's in 1st), and I'm sure he could read even higher. I'm so proud of him, and I'm so glad he's finally taken an interest in reading. It's something I've always enjoyed myself, and something his daddy enjoys as well.


Kaci said...

Wow that's amazing Leah!! WTG Jared!

Betsy Hart said...

Woo hoo! Way to go J. =)

Cattigan said...

That is so cool!