Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gardens Week 14

The pumpkin and butternut squash vines, as well as the bean plants, are starting to deteriorate, which I guess proves summer is turning into fall...


The lettuce isn't growing as thickly or quickly as earlier this summer, but we've still managed to get a good sized salad once or twice a week, still leaving some leaves on each plants so they don't die off

Lettuce, carrots, and cucumbers, all from our own garden!

We never did get around to planting more radishes to try a second attempt at growing them. I wonder if it's too late now?

Em's butternut squash are picking up in size, but they took so dang long to get started, I'm worried they won't fully ripen before the vines die off

Some of the pumpkins are starting to turn a bit orange. I've heard once they start turning orange, they stop growing... If that's true, then our largest pumpkin is going to be about the size of a soccer ball, with random sizes down from there. Nothing spectacular, but at least we have pumpkins!

Connor says this one looks like a jelly bean!


Kaci said...

I'm sad to see summer go, but I love the fall colors! Hope the pumpkins keep growing, how exciting. Maybe Hagrid needs to do a little magic to make them huge? =)

CJ that's one big jelly bean!

Betsy Hart said...

Love the jelly bean one!!!

Cindy Lou Who said...

I went to a garden nursery and asked why my radishes weren't doing good, and was told Radishes are a Fall crop - and they can't tolerate any heat of any kind. So try again!