Thursday, August 30, 2012

Gardening 2012

Emily's garden:

Jared's garden (back left) and Connor's garden (front right)

In Emily's garden we have some broccoli:

some zucchini:

some butternut squash (assuming this one little start gets pollinated and grows!)

A bush variety cucumber plant (purchased the bush variety on accident, and won't be doing it again...):

And a pumpkin plant, (assuming this little start ever turns into anything):

In Connor's garden we have corn:

broccoli, same as Em's


and two pumpkin plants (neither are sprouting any baby pumpkins yet)

In Jared's garden we have beans (Connor has been happily munching away at the few beans that have sprouted so far. We are finally starting to get more than just a couple at a time)

tomatoes, same as Connor's


and a pumpkin plant, which isn't sprouting any baby pumpkins yet either.

We are VERY disappointed about the pumpkin situation. Our pumpkins at this time last year were softball-ish sized, and they never did turn green in time for Halloween. Based on the fact that we basically don't have pumpkins at all right now, I'm guessing orange pumpkins in time for Halloween isn't likely. POUT.

We were really surprised at how huge the leaves get for the broccoli plants. Or at least, how huge ours got! I assumed broccoli grew pretty close to the ground, the stalks for the broccoli plants in the kids's gardens are over a foot tall before the broccoli head starts forming, and the leaves are closer to two feet!

I also expected the corn to get a lot taller, but as long as we actually get corn from them, I'm happy! Of the 8 stalks we have, 7 are growing an ear of corn each, and one looks nearly ready to pick (woo hoo!).

We have a bazillion green tomatoes of varying sizes, but none of them are showing any signs of turning red any time soon. I thought for sure with that two week stretch of hot weather we had that we'd see some red tomatoes, but no luck so far.

The lettuce, at least, has been a quick and all-summer-long producer for us! Looking forward to seeing what the rest of the growing season has in store for the gardens. At the very least, we had fun tending the gardens and watching everything grow and change!

1 comment:

Kaci said...

I love your gardens...if I was smart I would do this too.