Friday, September 11, 2009

Mixed Emotions

This picture makes me extremely happy and quite sad at the same time:

Heidi turned 9 years old this year, and partway through the summer, we started noticing that she's really slowing down lately. Runs to get the ball, but takes her time bringing it back. Takes breaks after only a few throws. Lays happily next to us instead of harrassing us to throw the ball and licking the heck out of us (not saying she doesn't EVER do those things anymore, but not persistantly like she used to, even just a few months ago). So while it makes me extremely happy to see Connor get to enjoy laying in the yard next to his dog, it makes me quite sad to know that it's because she's getting older. Connor LOVED laying there with her and hugging on her, etc. And I enjoyed watching him enjoying it. But it was still in the back of my head that normally, she'd have been licking his face like CRAZY and throwing her ball on him or something. LOL


Em and J were at school and CJ had his doggies alllllllll to himself!!


Kaci said...

Bittersweet for sure! A few years ago my childhood dog passed and it was really hard. :(

Auntie said...

Cody is 13 now. This morning he fell in the kitchen and I was afraid he wasn't going to get his old self up of the floor. It doesn't help that he is over weight! My fault for sure. He doesn't fix his own meals : )
Heidi is such a sweet girl.
Labs are special.

Betsy Hart said...

That is too sweet. I really do wish my kids could have the joy of a pet. But until we have a yard they get the true joy of seeing me attempt to keep my fish alive! lol