Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Husband Vent

I wouldn't normally complain so publicly about my husband, but I'm stumped for a blog entry today and he gave me some good material... LOL

I spent a good portion of the evening last night, emptying the dishwasher, scrubbing the sink and counters, vacuuming the floors, etc. The kitchen was looking PRETTY DARN GOOD, if I do say so myself. Until I woke up this morning and found coffee stains down the side of the sink and silverware tossed in.

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The dishwasher "sign" very clearly reads "DIRTY", so there was certainly no confusion there.
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And it's not like the dishwasher is across the room and he was in too much of a hurry...
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I know this is "sweatin' the small stuff" but when there's LOTS of small stuff, it's hard to ignore! I just find it very irritating to come out and find a mess before MY day has even begun. Then add to it the oatmeal Jared plopped onto the ground on accident (and then smeared around in his attempts to clean it up), the dirt Emily tracked through the house after putting her shoes on, and the cereal Connor crushed into crumbs and then swiped off his highchair tray onto the floor, and it all adds up. It already looks like I did NOTHING last night, which makes the hour and I half I spent cleaning seem like a huge WASTE. sigh...


Valarie said...

Yup. Cleaning is neverending. It drives me insane that my husband can't manage to close the cabinet doors. AT any given time I can walk into our kitchen and there will be anywhere from 2-8 doors wide open.

Kaci said...

Ooooh bad hubby!!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!! You mean I'm not alone?!!?!?

Kristina said...

I feel your pain...only my husband and I don't have kids to help create part of the's all us (and by us, I mean him)! But, it wasn't a waste of time...instead of two layers of gook, you only have one!

Betsy Hart said...

Join the club babe! My house is a disaster between our weekends.... And don't worry about sweating the small stuff, I do that all the time too!!