There has to be a kid in every family that goes to the beat of his own drum. Connor, yes! And lucky for him, after two other kids, you let him. : ) His world rocks. Love you.
I think most boys have an outfit or two like that. My husband wore something similar the other day. (I won't go into details, but let's just say it wasn't pretty). It seems they never grow out of it.
I'm a SAHM to Emily, Jared, and Connor. They are my inspiration and my muses as they will most likely be the characters of my stories and the subjects of my pictures! And I hope you like stories and pictures because I'll probably go entirely overboard with this... LOL
Leah...he is just sooo cute!!!!
i love his STYLE!
very "GQ" if you ask me :P
Gotta love the free spirit of two.
He's so sweet. He looks like he is a lot of fun. And quite the ham. :)
LOL! Rockin style C!!
♥ Too funny! My kids love dressing up! Lane likes to sport his "man bag" or rather his purse... I'm trying to wean him away from that one though! :)
There has to be a kid in every family that goes to the beat of his own drum. Connor, yes!
And lucky for him, after two other kids, you let him. : )
His world rocks. Love you.
LOL! I am sure if we had any real dress up stuff M would be doing the same thing!
How come kids dress up in such goofy outfits & can still look cute? If we did it, we'd probably be put in the nut house-LOL! :)
I think most boys have an outfit or two like that. My husband wore something similar the other day. (I won't go into details, but let's just say it wasn't pretty). It seems they never grow out of it.
That's hilarious!
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