Wednesday, October 15, 2008


(that's me, tooting my own horn! ha!)

I've been working on this poncho for Emily for awhile now. She's been asking for one for about two years, but I always had other projects going on (blah blah blah), but finally sat down this year and decided it was going to happen NO MATTER WHAT. And so, it happened:

(it appears really long in these pictures, but it's truthfully a really cute size on her)

And then, because we somehow ended up with a bit of extra time this morning (THAT NEVER EVER HAPPENS!), I thought I'd attempt a hair-style I found online awhile ago. What better day to wear a cute new hair-do, than on the same day you're wearing a cute new poncho?

The ribbon should have been a lot longer so it could have more criss-cross's and longer tails out of the bow, but I didn't have THAT much extra time to take it out and cut a longer piece and re-do it, but I think it's still pretty cute!


Anonymous said...

Totally cute poncho and totally cute hair do! How did you get the ribbon through it?

Kaci said...

So way way cute Leah!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Very cute poncho and hairdoo!

Betsy Hart said...

That is way cute! I wish I could do M's hair cute like that (N doesn't even have enough hair yet!) She will have to live with ponytails, half ponys and braids. lol. LOVE the poncho too! That is totally adorable... taking orders?

Anonymous said...

You did an amazing job on the poncho and her hair is absolutely adorable! You deserve those toots. :)

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Cute cute! Love the hair, it's so princess like

Anonymous said...

you are so talented, I've never been good in the crafty dept, especially clothes of ANY sort. VERY cute poncho & hair (another thing I'm not good at!), makes me think WHAT am I good at? ha ha