I'll post up better pics of Connor in his monkey costume in a few days (and I'll include pics of Em and J in their costumes as well). CJ's about the cutest little monkey you ever saw. I can't get enough of him in that costume
PS It's got a very padded tummy, and slightly padded backside and hips (soooo CUTE!), so I was poking at his padded tummy saying, "Look at your chubby monkey tummy!" He turned around, grabbed fistfulls of the backside and yells, "Chubby monkey butt!" (I don't condone the use of the word butt, but he picked it up from Dan and I can't get him to stop using it!!). Maybe you had to be there, but it was hilarious at the time. LOL!!!
Leah, your husband is a real animal.
P.S. I would so buy that monkey costume for next year, too bad Connor an TOF are about the same age. It's always sold out at Old Navy :(
LOL!! That's soooo cute!!
You've been boo-ed!
How adorable :)
*L* Cute! He does make an adorable monkey!
Oh my that is a hoot!
Is that banana a daddy banana
or a baby banana ; )
Conner saying 'chubby monkey butt' is definitly cute and I don't condone that word either! By the way, have you seen the picture Lacy has of her and Dan from last year's Halloween Party? It would be great to put on your blog!!! :)
Like father like son...in more ways than you can count! Connor definitely looks like his daddy.
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