Monday, February 23, 2009

Could it be true???

In the interest of not jinxing things, I'm currently knocking on wood, crossing my fingers, wearing my lucky socks (just kidding), throwing salt over my shoulder, etc while I share the good news:


I haven't changed a poopy diaper or underwear in three weeks. Wet pull-ups are limited to night-time (though he's waking up barely wet in the pull-up lately, instead of big-time wet like in the past). His day-time potty accidents over the last three weeks have been limited to three different times, and two of the times involved being at the park with his dad, and the last was while we were visiting my IL's last weekend. He's been rather good at telling me when he needs to go potty, and I've been rather good at keeping an eye on the time and gently guiding him in the direction of the bathroom if it's been 2+ hours.

Between all three kids, I've been changing diapers solidly since May 12, 2002. That's almost 7 full years without a break in diapers, people!!

*does a little happy dance*

(*throws more salt* *finds more wood to knock on*)

I'm so very pleased and PROUD that we're finally making some serious headway in the potty-training department. I won't go so far as to say we're TRAINED (because of the potty issues at night and occasional day-time slip-ups), but he's "poop trained" at least. LOL!!!

Let's hear some cheers for Connor!!


Cattigan said...

WOO HOO for you, Mom! It's a wonderful moment! I figured out how long I've been changing diapers, too, when Cam was finally trained. Scary, isn't it?!?!?

Kristina said...

Yahoo!! Way to go Connor! And congrats to you, Leah. That's a LOT of diapers!

Cindy Lou Who said...

YEA!!! I so remember the excitment of that moment! Congrats Connor and Mommy...

Kaci said...


Betsy Hart said...

YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! THat is wonderful. We had an accident today for the first time in weeks! Made her so mad.

Anonymous said...

I never would have dreamed you really have changed diapers for all that time but it adds up. Sheesh!
Remember, I had six years between my two. Good Job Mister Connor!
Poopy on the potty, poopy on the potty!