Thursday, February 5, 2009

Random facts about me

1. There are some nights where I just can't seem to get warm, so will get up and throw a clean pair of socks on my feet and I suddenly feel much warmer and fall right to sleep. HOWEVER, if I wear socks to bed, I eventually get TOO warm, and when I get TOO warm, I have WEIRD DREAMS! Mostly I end up waking up knowing I just had a weird dream, but I can't recall most of the details... And it doesn't always have to be that I have socks on, because sometimes I'll end up too warm anyway (as it gets closer to summer where the heavier blankets are still on the bed, but the weather is getting warmer...) and will have weird dreams then as well. But it's a sure bet that if I wear socks to bed, I'm in for an interesting night in dreamland!

2. I used to LOVE candy conversation hearts, but I discovered the other night that I'm really not a big fan any longer.

3. I keep seeing the outdated picture of the kids in my sidebar, and telling myself each and every time that I need to update it, but then I just can't seem to bring myself to take the few minutes to scan a pic and resize and post/paste. It's not like it would take very long. Probably about the same amount of time as it took me to think up this paragraph and type it up. HA!

4. I'm refusing to be on the preschool board next year and have made my intentions clear. I spent two years as class rep, and while there are A LOT of things about the position that I truly enjoyed, there are a good number of things that I'm pretty over for now (people whining about the schedule, people calling and emailing with questions about things I'd already emailed or called about more than once, and that flyers had been sent home about already, or that pure common sense could have answered...LOL). That's not ALL that parents, or even most of them, but it only takes 2-3 to WEAR YOU DOWN. Plus, with Dan's schedule, making it to the monthly board meetings has been a hassel. And creating the schedule, working around people's vacations and work days, and childcare conflicts, etc etc etc gets really tedious and overwhelming. The only other positions on the board that are still open are even more involved than class rep (and another mom jumped in to take class rep anyway, which was MUSIC TO MY EARS because I thought for sure I was going to get bullied into it...LOL), and I just do not have the time to invest MORE time than I already have been.

5. I'm emotionally and physically very exhausted lately. My back just aches all the time, and now my neck has been stiff and sore (all part of the process, I'm being told by my chiropractor). No matter how I sit or walk, I'm uncomfortable. Everything I do causes me pain on some level. It's frustrating and disheartening and exhausting. I feel myself getting irritable and lashing out, and even while I'm aware that it's happening, I feel powerless to stop it. I would give a lot of money to be able to go back in time and to not be on the road at the time/place of the accident back on June 5th. While my pain is not crippling in any way, each day strips a little bit of SOMETHING and I just so desperately want this to be over so I can move on with my life. Dan gets frustrated with me and doesn't understand just how NAGGING this pain is or how it truly can be so emotionally draining and physically limiting. I'm tired of having to limit myself and cut activities short. Especially when it's something with my kids. I can't begin to count how many times I've had to say, "I'm sorry guys, mommy has to stop and walk around for awhile because my back is really starting to hurt sitting here." It's been enough times that all three of them have started complaining about back pain. Except my pain is legit and I mention in stopping activities I'd truly rather not stop! Do you know how horrible it is to have your children mimicking your pain, knowing that the reason for the mimickry is because it's not only affecting YOUR life, but theirs as well???? This is not how I want my children to remember me from their childhood, and it scares me a little bit that there's been ZERO improvement, even after 8 months.

6. I stay up way too late on a regular basis because the quiet of the house after everyone else is in bed is the only time I feel I can productively get much of anything done!! I also get easily distracted this time of night. I was being good and was all set to head to bed last night at 10pm, but then remembered that I hadn't tested out the new Shark steam mop I'd just bought (not LOVING it for the $70 I paid for it, btw), then realized I hadn't changed my blog banner to a February theme, and it was closer to 11:30pm before I ended up in bed. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN??? ha!


Kaci said...

Nut case!! :) Maybe you should always write at night, learned something new about you.

Betsy Hart said...

That is kinda funny about the socks!! lol.

Cindy Lou Who said...

Aww poor Leah - I wish I could take away the pain for you. Love the new banner. I too get too hot with socks on and will toss and turn all night. Besides, doctors tell you to NOT sleep with socks on as that is where you lose your body heat the most at is your head and your feet, and your body needs to "sweat" the excess off, if you trap it in, you can actually get sick. Just a little unnecessary information i learned, hahaha

Cattigan said...

I feel you sister on #4, 5, and 6!