Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oldies but goodies

I didn't have this blog when Jared and Emily were babies, and I thought it would be fun to randomly post some pictures from "back in the day" so that a bit of their babyhood/toddlerhood is included here as well. And I also like the opportunity to step back in time and enjoy those moments all over again. Some will be funny, some will be sweet, and some will fall somewhere in their own category, I'm sure, but I think this will be fun!

This picture, here, would be entirely heart-breaking, if it weren't for the absence of real tears, or the tell-tale red face of a child who is truly crying. There were several more in the series, where he gets more dramatic and ends up hiding his face in his hands, bent over the tray of the highchair... But I am only sharing this one because it's the funniest one!
oldies but goodies

As much as Jared was (and still is!), quick to cry, he was quick to turn on the fake crying if he thought it would serve his purpose! And the current "trick" is that after the real tears have long since dried up, he holds his little pity parties in his room and WAILS up a storm with the fakest, most obnoxious crying sounds you've ever heard. It didn't work for him back then, and it doesn't work for him now, but he's nothing if not persistant (must be how he learned to ride his bike without training wheels at 4.5 years old!).

But seriously, beyond the obnoxious fake crying in that picture, how ADORABLE, and HILARIOUS is that kid?? That picture makes me laugh every single time!

PS He's 14 months old in that picture...


Kaci said...

Look how cute is was...WAHHHH!!! :) Come here Jare Bear I hold you!

Betsy Hart said...

That is too cute! I love it!! Hasn't changed a whole lot has he?

Kristina said...

How funny! I love it that you can see through the charades so easily, but he still does it anyway!