Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another Letter of Great Importance

(you know there's a problem when your clothes come out of the wash dirtier than they went in)

Dear Darling Child (whichever of the three of you is repsonsible),

It's NOT okay to stick crayons in your pants pockets. There are times when mommy is doing laundry LATE AT NIGHT, and is too tired to remember to check said pockets. Are you aware of what a MESS a crayon makes once it's been through the dyer? Shall I explain to you how panicked I was for about two seconds upon seeing red SOMETHING splattered all over my blue shirt (which, I might add, LOOKED LIKE BLOOD, and I was worried some little critter got tumbled to death ... and HOW was I going to talk myself into digging through the dryer to find it??...). I might also remind you that mommy only has a few shirts (because nothing ever fits right, or it costs WAY too much money, and I don't enjoy shopping for myself) and I can't afford to be one shirt short at this point? What will I wear?

Love, The woman who should really blame herself for not checking POCKETS before doing the laundry, but will instead lay the blame on the darling child who put the crayon in the pocket in the first place.

PS I might add in that EVERYTHING ELSE in the dryer was covered in red crayon as well. But luckily for YOU (whichever child this applies to), a second run through the washer and dryer got the red crayon off of everything but the blue shirt (most of it came out though). The blue shirt is currently enjoying a THIRD spin through the wash and we'll see what happens

PPS Here's a visual reminder of why you shouldn't put crayons in your pocket (The damage is much more RED in real life)



close-up of back

THE CRAYON (what's left of it)


Kaci said...

Ooooo bad crayons!!

Betsy Hart said...

Does it make you feel any better if I tell you I have done that on multiple occasions with a pen in my pocket, or dh's. And I still wear the clothes! lol....

Kellan said...

Oh, I hate this and it has happened to me on more than one occasion. It leaves those awful marks all inside the dryer - awful! I loved this letter though - this line had me laughing so hard, I almost peed my pants: "and I was worried some little critter got tumbled to death" - so funny!

Have a good evening Leah - see you soon. Kellan

Maria said...

Oh yes. It's ruined. Now you have a good excuse to get a cute new one! I've washed ball point pens, video games, money, poop, you name it. I'm still not use to checking the pockets!

TheOneTrueSue said...

Oh dear... Nothing worse than crayons in the wash. I'm so impressed that you got it out!

Cattigan said...

I feel your pain. I had a similar letter written but to husband person. I lost an entire load. It was a sad, sad day :)

Betsy Hart said...

I have a much more expencive "oops" that I had to share... I once washed my ipod. I thought it was gone for good, fortunately it dried out after and worked. But then, I DID IT AGAIN!! Ugh. It didn't work after the second washing. There goes 100 bucks. Frustrating, but no one to blame but me... and then I have washed dh's wallet a couple times, though not in a long time. And I have washed his ds games (in my defence they are smaller in size then a teabag!)
Anyway, just thought I would share with you my awful expericences, make you feel a bit better about your lost shirt...