One of the families at Emily's dance studio brought their BRAND NEW puppy, Gwendolyn, with them to dance class a few weeks ago. They'd just gotten her that afternoon and it took longer than they'd expected, so they ran out of time to get her home before dance class started. Connor thought the puppy was just about the neatest thing on the planet and kept patting her head, getting face to face with her, and talking to her. At one point, the puppy's "mama" offered to let Connor hold her (ignore the hideous couch, IT'S NOT MINE, IT'S THE DANCE STUDIO'S!), so Connor climbed up and went for it. Do you think he enjoyed himself?

It took awhile to post pictures of the event, because I didn't have my camera on me at the time and was waiting for copies from someone who DID have their camera.
You said "awwwww!" didn't you? Don't lie!!
OMG oozing with awhhhness! :)
AWWWWW! Every little boy needs a puppy...
yea...i said know he needs one now...
Yep...that definitely got a big "awwwww" out of me. So adorable. A cute little puppy-baby and a little-guy in work-boots. It's too cute, Leah!!
yeah, you got me! lol. so cute!
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