Saturday, June 27, 2009

Oh, God, I hope not...


PS Em's journals from school came home with her, and I had QUITE the good time going through and reading some of the entries! Be looking for more in the future!


Kaci said...

P-U!! :) They are super cute!

Betsy Hart said...

That is too funny that the "subject" of the art is the smallest thing on the page!! LOVE IT!

Kristina said...

I hope you don't either! Although other animals can be pretty foul too! I am in a hotel right now and have discovered that the odd smell in my room is my suitcase. Seems one of my cats peed under a bed (in the room you get to stay in - lucky you! - no worries though, J is cleaning as I write this, and you can be sure I will be doing it multiple times after that.) and I am horrified, disgusted and freaking out. Worst part? I never thought they would do that and I won't be home for four days to attack the problem myself. YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!