Auntie has emailed out hilarious stories about her and Valarie's adventures trying to catch Bo in the yard, etc. He sounded like quite the character, and I was definitely interested in seeing him for myself!
We arrived Monday, fresh from swim lessons, and were warmly welcomed into Valarie's home and taken out back. What a peaceful and beautiful space. You instantly felt relaxed and at home. I was treated to french vanilla coffee with creamer and whip cream, and the kids were set loose to test out the tire swing (which was in the shape of a horse!) and the hammock, to see Bojangles in his stall, and to check out the flowers in the garden (The long row of sweet peas were AMAZING!).

Emily Grace's friend, Katie, came with us

After we'd sipped our coffee and the kids had played a bit, it was time to let Bojangles out of his stall. He took off like a flash, and Auntie was all but rubbing her hands together and giggling in anticipation of getting to watch Valarie chase Bojangles!! Valarie quite quickly ended up with an apple in hand in order to tempt Bo over and it worked like a charm!

Valarie got Bojangles set up near his stall so he could be brushed down, and she could start putting all his harnesses on him for the buggy/cart. I was amazed at how much there was to put on (LOTS of straps and buckles!). Connor was super enthused about the entire process

Once he was in all the harnesses, it was time to attach him to the cart. Auntie was put in charge of making him stand still while Valarie got everything hooked up. The little stinker kept pawing at Auntie, and we all had a nice chuckle!

Next came the real fun! Each set of kids got three turns around the yard. Auntie and I each took a turn as well (had to say I'd done it!)

Once Bojangles was properly tired, he got to wander the yard nibbling at some grass. Connor couldn't get enough of him! He was brushing him, complimenting him ("His eyes are blue just like the ocean!" "This horse sure is patient!"), patting him, rubbing him... Love at first sight, for sure:

Then Connor asked if he could walk the horse, so Valarie put him on a lead and let Connor have at it! I can truthfully say the mini horse would have intimidated me at Connor's age, but Connor acted like it was something he'd done his whole life. Totally fearless, loving every minute!

The other kids more hesitantly took their turns, but enjoyed themselves!

Group picture time!

On our way back out to the car, we checked out the fish pond in the front yard. Valarie brought out the fish food to try and coax a few to the surface. Connor, in true Connor fashion, was excited about the whole process and wanted in on the action, begging for a chance to throw some food in as well

Thank you, Valarie and Auntie, for a wonderful morning! What a GREAT time! XOXO
That tire swing is the cutest darn thing ever! How fun, and what a beautiful place! I wanna come play!
I thought at first the tire swing was the horse. I was think, HILARIOUS that she thought he needed some exercise. lol
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