Monday, March 3, 2008


I was playing around with my early birthday present (Photoshop Elements) and created some collages. I'm having sooooooo much fun with these collages and I can't WAIT to get some more pictures of my three kids to play around with!

Here's one I did of Emily (the pictures were taken at a local kiddy salon at a birthday party she went to for her friend Rachel. The girls got their hair and nails done, and then we got to pose the girls in the little photo studio in the corner). I had to include the silly one in the bottom right corner it really shows off her personality (diva, ham, prankster...etc!)

This one I did for Rachel as a little momento of her party:

I liked it so much, I did one for Emily:

And one for Taylor:


Cattigan said...

Will you and Dan adopt me so I can have all these cool things made for me?!?!

Kaci said...

I agree!! GOOD IDEA!! I wanna be adopted too!

Valarie said...

How cute. I love them all!!

Anonymous said...

Very neat program. Great keep sakes! Our Emily Grace is just about the prettiest little thing on the planet! She is gorgeous!

Kellan said...

Those are so nice Leah! And all the girls are SOOOOOOO beautiful - WOW!! They take such nice pictures and I just love all of these layouts - HOW FUN!

Hope you had a good day - see you soon. Kellan

Betsy Hart said...

I WANT PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS!!! Not fair not fair not faiR!!! lol.

Betsy Hart said...

Oh, almost forgot to add LOVE them! They are soooo stinking cute!

TheOneTrueSue said...

They are SO cute! I wish I had some sort of clue about graphic programs.

Anonymous said...

Look at you and your collages! Those are really cool. Guess you won't be needing me anymore :(
Haha, it's okay, I bet you're having a blast with Photoshop.