Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jared strikes again...

We were at a Family Event (basically a field trip, except siblings are included)the other day for Jared's preschool class and the lady running the walk-through before the kids got to play in the Children's Museum asked the kids what rules they had in class. One little girl said something about how we get to paint, but you can't paint on people. Jared raises his hand and the lady calls on him and he says, "One time Kazmiera pooped her pants, and you're supposed to poop in the toilet!" (one time Kazmiera really DID poop in her pants but it was MONTHS ago!). Kazmiera's mom happened to be standing directly behind me and I don't know if she heard or not, but a few of the other moms burst out laughing and I was horrified! The harder one person would laugh, the harder the next person had to laugh until there were several of us really cracking up (behind our hands), but at the same time, I was HORRIFIED and it made it even worse that I was laughing over it.... UGH!


Betsy Hart said...

I feel like I've heard this story before! lol. I thought, she's posted this before, I even scrolled down to check. lol. He is just a hoot. Never know what will come out of his mouth!!

Anonymous said...

Jared says it like it is!
Was EG's are you a man or a lady worse? HA.

Kristina said...

I think kids at this age are pre-programmed to be embarrassing to their parents. When Laura was in preschool they got to make up verses to "The Wheels on the Bus" and the whole class would sing their verse. Laura's verse? "The daddies on the bus go pee, pee, pee." My mother thought she would die of embarrassment.