Thursday, March 13, 2008

Free Parking?


Our house is situated on a really fun BLIND corner (can you hear the sarcasm in my voice when I say "really fun"?????), and whenever there is any sort of road work on our road, as they get near to the corner, they park the vehicles not immediately in use, in my driveway instead of parking them directly on the road like they do on the straighter stretch of road (they'd then for sure need a flagger to help guide traffic if they weren't using my driveway). No one ever comes to the door and ASKS if it's okay if they park in my driveway, or if we need to be leaving the house anytime soon. OVERALL, it's not really much of an issue. Yesterday, it was annoying, because they parked there right during naptime, and my sweet Heidi (nearly-8-year-old black lab) gets a little antsy when there's strangers in the driveway and BARKS. AND BARKS. AND BARKS. Did I mention the boys were sleeping? There was also another time we came home near-ish bedtime for the kids and there was a dumptruck, a pick-up truck, and a giant bucket truck for the utility company parked in the driveway. They actually had the nerve to ask me if I could come back in about an hour so they wouldn't have to move!!!!!!!!! When I refused stating it was bedtime, they huffed and puffed and moved the pick-up truck out of my way so I could INCH by the dump truck and giant bucket truck, and then one of the workers had the nerve to holler out to me that I should be appreciative that they're out late at night keeping my power working. I'm pretty sure I never said ANYTHING about being unappreciative of their hard work and dedication to keeping my power working, but THEY should be a little respectful of people needing to use THEIR OWN DRIVEWAYS!!! sigh... Anyway, this most recent time was overall uneventful; the boys didn't wake up with the dog barking, and the workers finished their work about two minutes before I was going to have to go and politely ask them to move so I could leave to get down to the bus stop, so that worked out pretty nicely. But I'm sort of wondering how I remove the invisible "Free Parking" sign on my driveway??? There's a house a few minutes from ours with a sign out front that says "50 cents a U-Turn". Maybe I should stick up a sign that charges per vehicle per minute? I could use the extra cash... LOL!!


Ashley said...

Make a 8 point (or so) turn and park in your driveway sideways. Hey it's your property you can park where and how you want!!! That would be extremely frustrating to me.

Kaci said...

You should totally do that!! Although I'm guilty of doing the u-turn in peeps driveways...hey I'm new here it's aloud!! LOL! :)

kimmy said...

I think the sign is a great idea!


Anonymous said...

although a little annoying to you... park right at the end of your driveway! so there's no room for them. They already seem to have an attitude, so this wouldn't change things much on their part - but you'd get your driveway back!

I don't know how you put up with it... we would have had a lot of "words" by now.


Shan said...

I'm not one for complaining ordinarily, but I would have called and complained about that worker's comment to you. Completely out of line.