In additional to the
Things I learned recently from the other day, I've recently learned some more (Isn't great that we continue to learn new things all the time?!?)
...That Connor knows what a dogpile is, and he's only 15 months old! Dan was on the floor so I yelled "DOGPILE" to get the older two kids to come running and jump on him, but Connor's the one that headed into the room and landed on him first! LOL!!!
...That Connor is very resourceful. He saw that Emily and Jared were each eating a piece of candy, saw where they'd gotten it from, and decided to take matters into his own hands and help himself

...That when Connor screams and reaches for his crib after you get him out of bed in the morning, it's NOT, ABSOLUTELY
NOT because he wants to go back to bed. It's because he wants his blanket

...That the highchair apparently has a "SNOOZE" button, because Connor sure seems to like like SNOOZING in it!

...That Emily likes buying hot lunch at school. I let her do it Monday; there was a bit of confusion over her lunch money. I sent in cash in a sealed, labeled envelope which she didn't give to the teacher, the teacher assumed I'd started an online account already since I hadn't sent her a lunch, supposedly hadn't sent her money, and HAD sent in a note mentioning Emily would be doing hot lunch and was worried about not knowing where to go. SO, Emily came home, raved about how good it was, I said we'd have to do it again soon. Packed her a lunch for Tuesday, but found the lunch still in her lunch bag when she got home. I asked her, "Were you not hungry today?" her reply, "I was REALLY hungry and the rice and meat in sauce (teriyaki dippers, by the way) were REALLY REALLY GOOD." The child had taken it upon herself to decide to have hot lunch again! NOW, becuase I had NOT created an account already Monday, and had sent in cash (which we didn't use, as stated above), we'd already gotten a call home from the school that we were MINUS two dollars so far in her supposed account. THANKFULLY, I had gotten the info I needed to finalize our account first thing Tuesday morning, so there WAS money in her account to cover hot lunch Tuesday, but we had a nice long chat about how we don't just get to buy hot lunch whenever we feel lik it; we have to sit down and discuss it and plan it out TOGETHER and that if mommy packs her a lunch, THAT'S what she's supposed to eat that day! I don't mind her doing hot lunch here and there, and she should have plenty of money to cover "here and there" for this school year. But HOLY COW, can you imagine how embarrassed I would have been had I not gotten that account up and running that morning and had gotten a SECOND phone call home about owing money????? aughhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
...That ten years and a few beers heal all wounds. Dan is now suddenly all chummy again with a kid he had a falling out with in high school after seeing him at their ten year class reunion last night. I'm not a real fan of the kid (man!) myself, so have mixed feelings over this! LOL
...That people are REALLY chatty when they're drunk! I was Dan's DD last night and you have NO IDEA how many drunk people came up to me wanting to chat. Some were people I had no idea knew me in the first place! I heard the life stories and sob stories from several people last night. And one guy was so drunk he was slurring and SPITTING while he talked. I gave up trying to end the conversation nicely, told him to have a better next ten years than the last and just walked off. LOL!
...And last, but not least, I learned that a mother should NEVER attempt to function on only four hours of sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(oh, and that for some reason, no matter how long I leave the laundry laying around, it refuses to fold itself and put itself away...SIGH!)