Thursday, September 27, 2007

Holy Tantrums, Batman!

How evil am I? My child throws a fit and I run for the camera thinking, "This could be a really great entry for my blog!" The boys were both just OUT OF CONTROL yesterday. Connor's got molars coming in, so I'm sure that was his issue, and I have NO CLUE what was wrong with Jared. I'd tried food, snuggles, games, books, and everything else under the sun and finally decided to just leave them be to let them ride out their tantrums and be FINE again.

Here they both are:
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Jared screamed "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" and ran for his room after I took that picture. I guess he wasn't interested in having his tantrum documented in pictures

Connor stayed put and gave me some good shots.

"maybe if I stand here looking really sad and pathetic, she'll make one last effort at making me happy" (which I did, and he screamed louder, and flailed around, so I put him back down again)
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"Maybe a little whimper instead of a full-fledged cry will do the trick"
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"Fine! I'll just chew on your chair then!"
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"How about I just throw myself down on the ground and yell even louder!"
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"And then I'll fling myself backwards and whack my head on the ground like I'm so fond of doing, and then I'll roll around a bit and kick my feet"
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"I'M REALLY MAD!!!!!!"
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I never did figure out what was wrong with him, but he gave up the tantrum very shortly after I stopped taking pictures and turned back into the sweet little Connor we ENJOY having around!


Jen said...

OMG! Poor baby! LOL I always laugh at Reese when she throws a temper tantrum. I should get pics next time....good idea.
I'm glad they finally got happy.

Betsy Hart said...

MEAN MOMMY! That is somthing to have documented in pics though, to embarass him when he is older. lol

Anonymous said...

Leah Mae, When I was little
I remember laying on the kitchen floor before dinner and kicking my feet and crying for something to eat but Mother never let me have anything before dinner.
She never took my picture. I don't think there were flash cameras readily available in the 60s : )

Unknown said...

So funny....I've got MANY MANY pictures of Gretchen crying...since that is waht she does most often! LOL HUGS to the poor boy!

Anonymous said...

June loved your tantrum pictures.
She can appreciate your pain.
Trav once had a tantrum over a 12.00 cheese cake at the grocery store. He was sure he wanted that WHOLE cake. She said no and he threw himself on the floor and she left an entire cart full of groceries and went out to the car
with him. She was so embarrassed she didn't go back to Fred Meyer for TWO years. Trav is 16 now and she asked him if he remembered why he had the tantrum. He said he didn't know it was a cake. He thought it was something to hang on the wall. Isn't that something!
You never know what a kid is really thinking.