Friday, October 5, 2007

"Wait a minute! Are you a man, or a lady?"

I found myself rather lacking in the way of pictures for a blog entry today so I thought I would share some funny stories of Emily when she was around 2 and 3 years old. (Terrible mother that I am, I don't have any of Jared's funny stories written down, but I have SEVERAL of Emily!)

1) (two years old) When Dan was tucking Emily into bed, she reached up and put her hands up on his cheeks and was smiling very sweetly at him. Fully expecting her to say the usual, "I love you dada," he was VERY surprised when she sweetly announced, "Dada, you stink!"

2)(2.25 years old) A woman asked Emily what her name was while we were waiting in the waiting room for my six-week post-partum check-up and Emily responded, "My mama poops."

3) (2.5) (quick background to this story: Emily was rather badly constipated on a frequent basis when she was about 15 months until she was about three; we tried EVERYTHING under the sun including dietary changes, mineral oil, etc. For this story, we were testing out prune juice) We explained to Emily she needed to drink the juice to help her poop not hurt her anymore. She took a big swallow and said, "This is good poop!" Dan and I laughed and explained to her that she wasn't drinking poop, she was drinking JUICE that would HELP her poop. We prompted her to take another drink at which point she said, "I don't drink anymore poop today."

4) (2.75 years old) I'd just gotten out of the tub from taking a bath (it's documented in the notebook that Jared had been really sick and fussy and I needed to unwind! LOL) and put on some scented lotion. Emily came into the bathroom and wanted to smell so I held my arm out to her and asked her how it smelled. She replied, "perfect."

5) (2.75 years old) We saw a very VERY large-bottomed woman at the grocery store and before I was even aware that SHE was aware of the woman, she'd opened up her mouth and exclaimed very loudly, "MOMMY!!!! LOOK AT THAT BIG TUSH!" The lady stopped dead in her tracks and I grabbed Emily and dashed into another aisle loudly telling her that people some in all shapes and sizes and that's what makes us special. She looked at me like I was stupid and said, "I wish I could have a tush like that." And here I thought she'd been pointing it out to be mean, and she was jealous! LOL!!

6) (almost three years old) We were shopping for some party supplies for Em's birthday and I picked something up to look at it more closely and Emily patted me and said, "Just put it in the basket sweetie pie."

7) (almost three years old) She interrupted a woman with very short hair to ask, "Wait a minute! Are you a man, or a lady?"

8) (days shy of three years old) introduced Uncle Marc's girlfriend (at the time) Amber, as Hamburger. LOL!

9) (3.25 yeard old) Emily got her beloved Lambie taken away for the day because of naughty behavior, and I'd told her she could have Lambie back at bedtime. Emily promptly volunteered to get into her pajamas and brush her teeth so she could go to bed and have Lambie back.

10) At 3.5 years old, Emily informed us she wanted to go see The Crack Nut (The Nutcracker).

11) (3.5 years old) Emily was really freaked out by the "new" (at that time they were pretty new!) automatic flushing toilets. She would always ask me, "does this toilet flush itself or do we have to tell it to flush?" Because this particular toilet WASN'T an automatic flushing on, I replied, "we have to tell it to flush" (meaning we were in control over pushing the lever to flush the toilet.) When she was done using the bathroom, she turned around and yelled loudly, "TOILET,FLUSH!"

Well, I hope you enjoyed the finer moments from Em's life... LOL!


Anonymous said...

Remember how just after EG asked the lady if she was a man or a lady,(and you had the talk about not asking that question in front of anyone again) the local GH transvestite was in the library and "he" said to EG, "Hello little lady..." and EG turned around after hearing a MAN'S voice and saw a lady : ) A very funny looking one I might add! It went something like that any way!

Anonymous said...

So funny!! Never a quiet moment for you!