Friday, September 19, 2008

Jared FINALLY got to start school again!

Jared has been chomping at the bit all summer to get back to school. One day, we drove past his teacher on the road, and I mentioned to him, "Hey! There's Teacher Terrie!" I thought he'd get excited and try waving. NOPE! The child FLIPPED OUT and started hollering for me to turn around because I was driving the wrong way to school and Teacher Terrie was going to start class without him. I managed to calm him down and correct him that it was summer vacation and school wouldn't start for awhile longer. But then Emily started school earlier in September, and after sending Emily off on the bus, I loaded the boys in the car to run some errands. I make a right turn at a certain point in the road, and he FLIPPED OUT again, yelling, "MOM!!!!!! YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY, MY SCHOOL IS THE OTHER WAY!!!!!" (blah blah blah drama blah blah more drama). Sorry buddy, school for you doesn't start until the middle of the month. WELL, Monday was FINALLY the first day of school and Jared could NOT have happier. He was up and out of bed, dressed, teeth brushed, inhaled his breakfast, and has his shoes on in NO TIME FLAT. Unfortunately, school didn't start until 12:30am and it was only about 8:30am at this point. So for the rest of the morning, every other word out of his mouth was something along the lines of, "Is it time for school yet?" "Can we go to school now?" "Are you sure we're not late?"

He charged in, got his hands washed and got down to business of reconnecting with old friends from last year, and making new friends. He was friendly, he was out-going, he was FULL OF ENERGY. I couldn't help but grin the entire time (his preschool is a cooperative preschool so parents volunteer their time to help run the classroom and I worked his first day of school). I'm not sure there's much in life I tackle with that much gusto. He was so much fun to watch.

I wonder how long the enthusiasm will last once Teacher Terrie makes him pick up the dreaded pencil and WRITE???? muh ha haha haaha!!! I can't wait. If anyone can get him to do it, it will be Teacher Terrie (and lucky for our class, we actually get two teachers this year, so between Teacher Terrie and Teacher Becky, we should be GOLDEN).

Enjoy the school year, Jare-bear!

(he's such a goof!)

PS He totally picked out that shirt on his own! The gal at the grocery store asked him where he was headed to all dressed up and fancy and he put his hand on his hip and informed her (rather sassily), "It's my first day of school and you're supposed to dress nice on the first day, you know!" He's so CUTE!!!

PPS Here he is last year starting the 3's class!


Munchkins and Music said...

Not only is he funny, but has style too! Good job picking out your shirt!

Kaci said...

ADORABLE!!! AWHHHHHH!! God they are getting so big!

Anonymous said...


Betsy Hart said...

He did an AWESOME job on the outfit choice! :) He is growing sooo fast!

Anonymous said...

What a handsome little man!

Scrapping Mum of 3 said...

Oh my! He is just gorgeous! And has grown so much!

Unknown said...

I hope his love of school stays with him. Good luck little guy!

Cheryl said...

Hmmm...Just LOVE second the pose! LOL! He's a doll! Do you realize you STILL have the same doormat? Again, LOL (you know, from Emily's first day of school pics?). :0)

bv said...


Anonymous said...

So cute! I wish they never ever lost that enthusiasm for school. The pictures are great. Especially the personality shot. hehe

Jen said...

LOL he's so dang funny!

ClancyPants said...

What a cutie! Remind him of this story when he's in high school and doesn't want to get out of bed...