Sunday, March 22, 2009

Quote of the Week

Jared (out of the blue, to Dan and I): When my wife dies, I'm going to take care of my kids by myself.

Dan: When your wife dies???

Jared: Yeah, when my wife dies. I'm not kidding, I'm going to take care of my kids all by myself.

Leah: How many kids are you going to have?

Jared: (holds up ten fingers)

Leah: Will you try to find a new wife?

Jared: No! I don't need any help.

Leah: Who will sleep in bed next to you at night?

Jared: I'll just sell the two people bed and buy a one people bed.

Dan: Who will take care of your kids while you're at work?

Jared: I'll drive them to the daycare.

Leah: Where are you going to work?

Jared: (whispers to Dan...) Where do you work again? I'll work with you.

In true Jared fashion, he was spouting out answers to our questions without any pause for thought, and was very animated in his facial expressions and body movements. Where does he come up with this stuff???


Cindy Lou Who said...

Awww...That menas he's had good examples from his parents!

Kaci said...

LMAO! That Jared kills me!

Betsy Hart said...

LOL! That is too funny!!

Anonymous said...

*L* At least there is no doubt in my mind that she's going to be a good daddy. I fear for his wife a bit, but a good daddy. ;)