Friday, December 12, 2008

The Nutcracker Performance

Em's dress rehearsal was tonight, so I was able to video tape her portion of The Nutcracker. You can't tell which one is her for the most part, but I felt it more important to get all the little mice in the scene rather than to zoom in on just Emily. Plus, they move around the stage so much, I figured it would be too hard to keep the camera on her while it was zoomed in anyway. You get your first real glimpse of her (where you know it's her) when the little mice are all crouched down on the ground. She's just to the left (our left) of Clara. (PS I videotaped a little bit into the blackness at the end because there's actually one more small part, and I wasn't expecting them to cut the I videotaped for a few seconds to see if they'd flash the lights back or not...they didn't...LOL)

Here's Emily with her friends Ally (top) and Alison

Emily and Alison



oh my gosh! those are so cute!!!!!! you are one blessed momma!!!!

kimmy said...

They look adorable! My daughter was a reindeer the past two years and she loved it too!


Kaci said...

Sooooooooo cute! I love it! I wish I could come see it with you.

Anonymous said...

Awww they are so cute!! After you zoom in and then come back out you can follow Em around the rest of the time. Adorable!!

Betsy Hart said...

That is so stinking cute!!

Anonymous said...

That's adorable!! I love the little "eek" motions lol! She's doing great!