Friday, November 30, 2007

This is NOT Connor

This is not Connor. I don't know who this is. But I know it's NOT Connor.
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Connor doesn't want to be held every two seconds. Connor doesn't CRY all day long. Connor doesn't WHINE in between the crying spells. Connor doesn't refuse to eat his food, and then two seconds later, be crying and pointing at the food he just refused. Connor doesn't beg for a drink and then promptly throw it on the floor when it's given to him. Connor is a tough little cry that doesn't cry over every tumble or frustration. Connor sleeps nicely through the night. Connor doesn't wake up screaming at the crack of dawn (or before!), and then be totally inconsolable.

I miss Connor.

I also miss the calm, less frazzled mother I used to be!

For my sanity and Connor's tear-ducts, please pray these these canine teeth giving him so much grief break through SOON and leave us in peace!!!!!


Kellan said...


He's so cute - all crying like that! I'm sorry this imposter has taken over your sweet little son. Maybe keep him on TYLENOL if you know that most of it is his teeth - I swear by TYLENOL!

Hope you have a good weekend and get some sleep and some peace. See you soon. Kellan

Suburban Correspondent said...

Drugs are nice - but they may not be available anymore for that age. I was so upset when I read that. Whaddaya mean, they don't work? They worked for my kids!

Kaci said...

Poor baby!! Poor Momma!

Leah said...

Go buy those teething tablets. They really work, and they are homeopathic!

Anonymous said...

Have you tried orajel swabs? That worked wonders for my kids. It'll pass, just keep saying that over and over to yourself. Poor baby doesn't know what to do with himself. And poor you! Hang in there!