Thursday, November 8, 2007



Dan fell into a pretty "sweet" deal on some drums last night, and fell into some unexpected money to pay for them, so he's now the proud owner of a set of Tama Swingstar drums. The kids think they're pretty awesome! I tried to take a picture of Dan playing them, but I was told very sternly I'd "better NOT!"

So, here's a picture of just the drums...
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My ears are ALSO ringing from Connor's screams at the new Costco we went to today while Jared was at preschool. I got two steps into the building and he started trying to fling himself around in the cart, then tried to stand up, then pulled out the tears and screams. Which left me carrying him for awhile, but that only works for so long because I need one arm/hand to push the cart and the other arm/hand to hold Connor and he's HEAVY!!

Then, to top off all the baby screaming fun, I had one lady in particular who would suddenly APPEAR in the aisles I was in, just long enough to let me know I should have brought a toy for him to play with (I did, but he threw it down on the ground and tried to hit me when I attempted to give it back), or how I should have brought him a snack (I did, but it was in the car for later, because he'd just finished breakfast an hour ago!), or how I should probably stick to regular nap times because the "poor dear" was just tired. WOW, she knows my baby's schedule, eh? I sure wish I did. I mean, I'm just the incompetent mom who knows NOTHING! And THEN, some old lady reached out and was trying to pet his face, speaking to him in a "baby" voice saying, "I know, it's no fun that your mean mommy is making you come shopping with her, is it?"

WHAT DID YOU SAY??? That's what I wanted to say. What I really said was, "Thank you so much for your opinion, now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to finish my shopping before anymore strangers try to pet my baby like a dog."

Maybe I'll go out and play some drums for awhile...


Anonymous said...

Very cool drums! I bet the kids like them too lol.
Strange women always have the answers huh....jerk!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD- I love unsolicited advice from strangers! I'm still trying to come up with a comeback that will stop them in their tracks. I figured out the other day that I've been changing diapers for almost 7 years straight. Boy, you'd think after that amount of time I would have figured everything else out! ;) lol

Betsy Hart said...

I can't believe the nerve of some people... UGH! You told her though. I wouldn't have been able to say anything...
On another note NICE SET!!!! I will have to show Jimmy so he can be jealous of Dan.

Jen said...

You have children, and your husband bought drums?! How helpful of him! An old lady with maybe 5 teeth left in her mouth came at my 11 month old son to try and grab his hand, and wow did he shoot her a look of "Lady, if you touch me, you aren't getting that hand back!" I'd be scared, too (I sort of was).